Please click here for our latest Ofsted Report (2018)
Peachcroft Pre-school was rated ‘Good’, in our last inspection. If you wish to view the full report please click on the link above.
A Quick Summary of the report:
Effectiveness of leadership and management - Good
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment - Good
Personal development, behaviour and welfare - Good
Outcomes for Children - Good
Positive comments from this OFSTED Report:
Leaders and managers monitor children's development carefully to identify any possible gaps in their learning. They use this information effectively and work closely with the staff team to plan relevant activities that help children make good progress in preparation for school.
Leaders and managers organise the staff team well to ensure that routines run smoothly and meet children's welfare needs successfully.
Staff support children's freely chosen play effectively, overall, as they help children make connections in their learning and build on previous knowledge.
Children engage well in their activities and are keen to explore. Staff are good role models and encourage children to behave positively.
Staff develop good partnerships with parents, who state that their children are happy, enjoy attending and are progressing well.
Leaders, managers and staff have a good knowledge of safeguarding procedures to help keep children safe.
Leaders and managers evaluate practice effectively, taking account of the views of others, to identify areas for further development to improve outcomes for children.