Please click here for our latest Ofsted Report (2024)
Peachcroft Pre-school was rated ‘Good’, in our last inspection. If you wish to view the full report please click on the link above.
A Quick Summary of the report:
The Quality of Education - Good
Behaviour & Attitudes - Good
Personal development - Good
Leadership & Management - Good
Positive comments from this OFSTED Report:
Knowledgeable staff support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) well, and they are vigilant to any signs of delay in development. Children who need additional support with regard to their speech and language development are supported at the earliest opportunity, helping to secure swift progress. There is a strong emphasis on working with parents and other professionals to ensure every child has support tailored towards their individual needs. Children behave well and follow the rules and expectations of the pre - school. Staff gently remind children to say please and thank you, to help develop their manners.
Staff follow children's interests well and plan exciting activities that they are eager to be involved in.
Children have abundant opportunities to play outside in the pre-school's well resourced garden. Staff use the outside space well to enable children to learn about growing plants and vegetables. They harvest carrots, strawberries and pumpkins which they share and eat at snack time. In addition, children have a wonderful time rolling down grassy hills and whizzing along on balance bikes.
The well-designed curriculum emphasises specific areas of learning at the start of the academic year. There is an all-round focus on supporting the personal, social and emotional development of the younger children. For the older children, who have already had experience at the pre-school, there are many opportunities to challenge and extend what they already know and can do.
Children benefit from many opportunities to explore their feelings and emotions.
Staff support children in developing their independence skills.
Staff have high expectations of children and deploy themselves effectively. They engage with children, responding positively while they play.
The manager and staff work in collaboration with parents to support children's continued learning. They gather essential information from parents when children first start and review it regularly. This means that staff can meet children's individual care and learning needs successfully. Staff frequently provide parents with updates about children's learning and daily routines. They offer ideas to support children's learning at home.
The provider and the manager are clear about how they want the pre-school to develop. They identify strengths and areas for development as a team. Staff confirm they feel supported and appreciated. Consequently, staff are able to carry out their roles effectively.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.