Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)
SEN Provision at Peachcroft Pre-school
SENCo: Mrs Abby Allen & Miss Rebecca Jones
We believe children with special educational needs at Peachcroft Pre-school are entitled to the very best possible education and same opportunities as their peers whilst attending the setting. We are committed to ensure all children in our care reach their full potential, we have high expectations for all.
We aim to:
promote positive attitudes
assess, record and regularly review the childrens progress
encourage parents/carers to be involved in planning and supporting their child's development
If you have any questions regarding special educational needs please contact the SENCo's on 01235 555808.
Our policy 09.13 Identification, assessment and support for children with SEND can be found by clicking here.
The term SEN support defines arrangements for identifying and supporting children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. We are required to offer appropriate support and intervention and to promote equality of opportunity for children that we care for. Children's SEND generally falls within the following four broad areas of need and support:
Communication & Interaction
Children may experience difficulty in communicating with others. This may be because:
they find it difficult to say what they want
difficulty in understanding what is being said to them
they do not understand or use social rules of communication.
Cognition & Learning
Children who learn at a slower rate to that of their peers. Learning difficulties cover a wide range of needs including specific conditions, moderate learning difficulties and severe learning difficulties.
Social, Emotional & Mental Health
Children may experience a wide range of social and emotional difficulties such as displaying, challenging, disruptive or disturbing behaviour. There may be underlying reasons for this such as:
attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
attachment disorder
unresolved trauma
Physical & Sensory
Children who have a disability such as:
visual impairment
hearing impairment
physical disability
will require specialist support and/or equipment to enable them to access learning opportunities.
Early indentification is crucial and through our robust systems and experienced staff any special needs will be soon identified and brought to the attention of the parents/carer via informal chats and meetings to discuss the introduction of action plans. Regular reviews will take place with the parents/carers and outside help such as Speech and Language Therapists or Early Years Special Educational Needs Inclusion Teacher (EYSENIT) etc...may be sort.